想要進修外語嗎? Macmillan YLE Starters Practice Tests with Audio CD-1片 推薦給你
作者: Sandra Fox
新功能介紹- 出版社:東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2011/10/31
- 語言:英文
?Four complete practice tests cover all the papers for the Cambridge ESOL Younger Learners English examinations at the Mover Level.
?Tests closely reflect the exam in content, level and layout, to provide authentic and targeted practice for children taking their first Cambridge ESOL exam.
?Tests provide a 'bridge' from course books to the exam, with a wealth of visual material to exploit in class.
?Easy-to-use downloadable Teacher’s notes and packed with ideas for additional activities and tips for improving exam performance. Available from www.macmillanenglish.com
?Audio CD included
?Teacher's Notes also include full audio script and keys.
?Includes Cambridge ESOL grammar structure and vocabulary lists.
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Macmillan YLE Starters Practice Tests with Audio CD-1片 博客來語言書
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Macmillan YLE Starters Practice Tests with Audio CD-1片 博客來語言學習